
Shopkeeper's blog — Fukui

Tsuruga city

Posted by KoshizakaRyoh on

Hi, there. I had a small travel to Tsuruga-city(敦賀市、つるがし), Fukui prefecture(福井県、ふくいけん)with my sons together. Tsuruga was known as a trading port accessing to mainland China in ancient age. We first went to the beach named ”Kehi no matsubara” (気比の松原、けひのまつばら). This site is the one of "Big 3 pine beaches in Japan", literally kehi no matsubara has pine forest along its beach. In this year it was still hot even in the middle of October, so I watched those who were swimming in the beach.    Second, we visited the ruin of "Kanagasaki castle"(金ケ崎城、かながさきじょう). Kanagasaki castle was built in 14th century,...

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