
Ayu fish

Posted by KoshizakaRyoh on

Hi, there.

I am sorry that I haven't updated our blog for so long time.

Here I would like to update our blogs and share with all.

At the end of October, I went to the suburb of Gifu prefecture with my famility to have a lunch of Ayu fish. 

Ayu(鮎, あゆ) is a kind of freshwater fish, also is called sweetfish. The fish is very delicious and is't fishy and stinky. In Japan, Autumn is a season to enjoy eating the fish and my wife wanted to eat the fish. So we visited the restaurant which served the lunch with Ayu fish.

We enjoyed eating tsukudani(佃煮, つくだに; a preserved food which is boiled in soy sauce), fried ayu, Ayu sashimia and rice porridge with Ayu. They were very nice. 

Ayu fish

Ayu fish 

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

After leaving the restaurant, we found a temple which was located near the restaurant on the map of our car navigation system.

We drove apploximately 20 minutes and reached at the temple. The templa is named "Tanigumisan Kegonji"(谷汲山華厳寺, たにぐみさんけごんじ). At that time I didn't know about the detail of the temple, however according to history record of the temple, they found a springing fountain of lamp oil at a valley of the suburb of Gifu in 798. Also, it is said that however people contibued to draw the oil was so much that it didn't stop. 汲(くむ)is a verb meaning "to draw liquid", so it was named "Tanigumisan Kegonji".

This temple belongs to Tendai-shu sect(天台宗, てんだいしゅう), and also is a easternmost temple of Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage(西国三十三所, さいごくさんじゅうさんしょ) for Kannon faith. So even though the temple is located deep in the mountains, the temple town has formed around the temple. It was very interesting.

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

Ayu fish    

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

Ayu fish

Ayu fish