
Shopkeeper's blog — Gifu

Ayu fish

Posted by KoshizakaRyoh on

Hi, there. I am sorry that I haven't updated our blog for so long time. Here I would like to update our blogs and share with all. At the end of October, I went to the suburb of Gifu prefecture with my famility to have a lunch of Ayu fish.  Ayu(鮎, あゆ) is a kind of freshwater fish, also is called sweetfish. The fish is very delicious and is't fishy and stinky. In Japan, Autumn is a season to enjoy eating the fish and my wife wanted to eat the fish. So we visited the restaurant which served the lunch with Ayu...

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Mt. Kinka zan and squirrels

Posted by KoshizakaRyoh on

Hi, there. Yesterday 23rd September was "Respect-for-the-Aged Day (敬老の日, keirou-no-hi )" in Japan. Also, it was a national holiday. So I went to Mt. Kinkazan (金華山, きんかざん) in Gifu city, Gifu prefecture with my family together. This mountain was originally called "Inabayama(稲葉山, いなばやま)". And the top of this mountain had an impregnable castle named "Inabayama Jo (稲葉山城, いなばやまじょう)" at Sengoku period (A.D 1467~ 1603).   It is said that this castle was built in 1201, at Sengoku period of 16th century the local samurai lord Dozan Saito (斎藤道山, さいとうどうざん) started to renovate the castle extensively.    But his daughter's husband Nobunaga Oda...

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