

Developer: NINTENDO
Release date in Japan: 15th July 1983
Media: ROM cartridge, Disk system
RAM: 2K byte(16K bit SRAM)
Sound: RP2A03
Difinition: 256 dots * 240 lines

Nintendo launched "Games and watch" series for handheld gaming consoles in Japan and overseas, and made a profit of 4 billion yen to succeed in the business. The company invested that profit to develop the next coming game console. It recorded the highest number of shipments among game consoles released at the same time.
In addition, it has become widely recognized in Japanese society as a synonym for video games, and has become a social phenomenon that had impacts on other industries such as publishing and music.
It recorded sales of 19.35 million units in Japan, 34 million units in the United States, and 61.91 million units worldwide.
This console was released as NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) with the same main specifications in the United States, Canada, EC member countries of Europe, Australia, and Korea.